What if you could erase everything and start over?

lack of judgement, Lord Jesus Christ,

What if you could erase everything and start over?

Sounds too good to be true but it is possible! If computers often need a reboot to function normally again, which requires deleting the data and installing everything all over again, why shouldn’t we? It seems like a loss that will require more work to reinstall everything again but it’s needed in order to function normally or risk losing the computer once and for all.

Many choices are made throughout our lives based on our immaturity and lack of judgement. And if we only had the chance to go back in time, our current self would probably have made a few different choices to our younger self.

But this is only possible when we ‘wake up’ and realise we’ve made a mess of things. If we acknowledge the toxic life we have lived up to now, living life to please others and so forth, wanting to start again, then we have this chance but we must let go of our old life to get a new one.

Baptism in water is no different from rebooting our computer. In order for a ‘spiritual reboot’ to first take place, a person has to recognize the need for it. A sinner has to acknowledge his sin (wrongs). This is the first and most important step to sincere repentance. No one can repent of what he has not acknowledged.

When you recognise your wrongs, the water baptism works as a reboot to erase everything wrong that you’ve done up to then. You decide to put an end to your ‘flesh’ so that sin will not have control over it and decide to now live a life doing the will of God. With the water baptism, you have the assurance that the Lord Jesus washes away all your past and your sins and now you decide to start a new and perfect life in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Only Jesus has the power to give us a new life. Through this water immersion, we are cleansed from our sins. There is a before and after in our lives. After this, you are then ready to receive the Holy Spirit!

If you have decided to get baptised, speak to a pastor at the UCKG or you can call or send us a WhatsApp message on 020 7686 6000. If you are self-isolating, we can give you steps on how this will take place over the phone.

Don’t leave for tomorrow what you can do today.

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