To the Cain’s of today

starting from scratch, take a closer look at your situation,

To the Cain’s of today

“…but He did not respect Cain and his offering. And Cain was very angry, and his countenance fell.” (Genesis 4:5)

There are a lot of people who felt the way Cain felt, wondering why God has not answered them. They feel like things never go according to plan. They work hard but see no fruits to their work. They always feel like people are being unfair towards them.

However, believing everything is extra difficult for you will always have you placing the blame on everything and everyone else.

This attitude will cause you to be frustrated and have a bitter outlook on life and towards people around you who are indeed successful.

In a way, you feel like God is favouring everyone else but you. Does this sound familiar?

Well, the same proposal that Cain received is the same one God offers us every day, “If you do well, will you not be accepted? (Genesis 4.7)

In reality, if you just stop and take a closer look at your situation, you will realize that what you have been offering (presenting to God) has indeed not been acceptable.

God wants to honour everyone but the problem is that people are not ready to first honour Him.

This honour is represented through our daily offerings, what we present each day: the way we treat others, how we spend our time, prioritising time with God, praying before our meal, reading the Bible, being honest in the work we do, and so forth. God doesn’t only see the little things we do, but also our intention behind them.

Pay attention to the offerings you’ve been presenting. Would they have been approved by God? If not, what can you do differently starting today? If you do what deep down you know you should, will things not turn out right for you?

If you’ve been feeling like Cain, like things haven’t been working out the way they should, then we invite you to join us this Sunday, 7 of February at 10am. You can make the right choice, unlike Cain, even if it means starting from scratch.

For locations, visit Alternatively, you can call or send a WhatsApp message to 020 7686 6000.

Please come wearing your face covering and follow all social distancing guidelines.

If you are in the higher-risk group or are self-isolating, you can still participate in the service online at



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