• Have you ever wondered how close you are from the help you need?

    Do you feel like you are fighting a losing battle against the issue in your marriage, the predicament at work, or the complications in your health? Maybe you feel like […]

    The Word of God,

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    A message to all the SERVANTS OF GOD…

    “…and Aaron shall offer the Levites before the LORD like a wave offering from the children of Israel, that they may perform the work of the LORD.” “Thus you shall […]
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  • Would a King wash the feet of his people?

    The scenario of a king washing his people’s feet may be totally unheard of, the roles reversed but that’s exactly what the Lord Jesus did, He reversed the roles leaving […]

    Night of the Soul,

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    The Holy Spirit recently used Bishop Macedo to talk about the ‘ideal’ that those who are true disciples carry within them. The definition of an ideal is: existing only in […]

    The definition of an ideal,

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    The Worst Thing A Person Can Do

    We all have bad days. There are some days when we feel on top of the world, and others where we just want to stay in bed. Unfortunately, there are […]

    overcome your inner battles, personal life and career,

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    Financial Independence

    If you want to succeed financially, then this meeting is for you. It is understandable that there are different levels of success and each and every person’s goals are different. […]

    words of intelligent advice,

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    VYG Spring Clean in Plaistow

    As part of this year’s Great British Spring Clean, which took place between 28 May and 13 June, members of the Plaistow branch of the Victory Youth Group helped out […]

    members of the Plaistow branch of the Victory Youth Group,

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  • Sunday of Peace

    Everyone longs for peace. Mankind is in constant pursuit of it. Many search tirelessly to find a way to fill the void that they feel inside. However, the countless methods […]

    find everlasting peace in Jesus,

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  • What is inside of you?

    How is your life? What is it about your past that still haunts you? What is your insecurity about the future? In the Bible, when Jacob was at the Ford […]

    introduce yourself to God,

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  • The Lord’s Supper

    The Lord’s Supper is an announcement of what the Lord Jesus came to do on this Earth and a moment of reflection on how we have been dealing with the […]

    the Lord's supper,

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