A personal experience with God

a life lesson, a personal experience with God, God, Temple of Solomon,


mariemotoindaWhat made you want to go to the Temple?
Going to the Temple of Solomon was always one of my goals but I didn’t know the next time there would be an opportunity, and to my surprise it was announced at the beginning of the year.

What did this trip mean to you?
For me the trip was very much spiritually driven, I had really grasped the spirit from the night vigil. Attending the trip has fulfilled part of my goals for the end of the year!

How was the trip to the Temple for you?
There are no words that can truly express the experience; it’s something that I can only describe as a personal experience with God, one that I would encourage everyone to experience.

What is the importance of the Temple for you?
The Temple serves as a reminder for many things. But personally whenever I think about it, I remember that the Temple was built against all odds, against challenges, against favouring circumstances, however it was still built and that itself is a life lesson.

What is the importance of the Temple to the world?
In my opinion, I view the rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon as a great life lesson for the world. I have learnt that carrying and exercising an intelligent faith can trigger amazing results.

Marie Motondo

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