He knows, but you don’t

Abraham, Absoluteness, Christ, Divinity, edir macedo, God, God knows how you are, Jesus, reap the fruits, your faith to God,

He knows, but you don’t

God knows all things. He can see everything, even if it is invisible or very well hidden. On the other hand, we can only know about something that is in the same physical state we are in.

This is why you don’t need to prove your faith to God – He knows exactly what state it is in. But you need to prove your faith to yourself – because you will never know how it is until you materialise it.

When God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, He knew his servant would surrender the child, but it was necessary for Abraham to know this as well. It was necessary for him to understand his faith, as only then would he understand that the blessings of God would be a reaction to his actions. Then he would finally understand that whatever he wanted to happen in his life depended exclusively on him. Abraham only discovered his potential and what he could do after he materialised his faith.

We only understand the faith that exists within us when we express it through an action. We will only reap the fruits after we take action, and only then will we realise that they are the result of what we did – God’s reaction to our action. Then we will understand that everything we want depends on us – and not on God. We become aware of our part and the power that exists within us.

People who are idly waiting for God to do something for them are precisely those who do not materialise their faith. They choose to maintain their belief stored within themselves – and, like their faith, their dreams also remain within them, never being materialised. If God answered them because of the simple fact of knowing the faith that is within them, they would never know that their lives depend on themselves and would never do their part – if they don’t do it without the answer from God, imagine if they were answered?

God works in a perfect and intelligent way. He wants us to know what He knows; this is why He invites us to materialise our faith. God can see our full potential and doesn’t just want to talk to us about it. He wants us to see it also in a physical, concrete and indisputable form.

After proving your faith to yourself, it is impossible to waver under any circumstances. God knows how you are, but you don’t. For this reason, He invites you to find out. Now the decision is yours – are you going to materialise it and reap the fruits or hide it and die waiting?

Bishop Edir Macedo
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