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    The Correct Way to React to Bad News

    At any time, bad news can surprise you. That is, a termination of employment, an almost sale that was not concluded, a contract that was not signed, a loss, among […]
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    Do Brits Believe That the Bible Should Be Banned?

    A recent study in the UK found that practically a quarter of British youngsters in particular are open to banning the Bible, accepting the banning of books that contain “hate […]
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    Are You Searching for Peace?

    What has been taking away your peace? Life can be tough at times, and when the problems begin to pile up, you may begin to feel affected. The Lord Jesus […]
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    A Fast for your Love Life

    Do you feel like no matter what you try, you are unable to resolve the problems in your sentimental life? Don’t give up on pursuing joy and fulfilment in your […]
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    Comfort or slap in the face?

    “Now prepare yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer Me.” (Job 38:3 NKJV) A few times in the book of Job, God asks him to […]
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    Start your day differently!

    What would you say if you were to be asked, “how do you start your day?” You would likely describe a morning entailing a hygiene routine, watching the news and […]
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    Is nail biting a sign of anxiety?

    Onychophagia, also known as nail-biting, is an uncontrollable habit that is often linked to anxiety. This behaviour typically starts in early childhood and tends to escalate during adolescence. Besides not […]
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    Revenge: Sweet in the mouth, bitter in the stomach

    Have you ever been so angry with someone that an irresistible desire for revenge began to fester inside of you? Someone that you once loved is now a target on […]
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    God and the Altar

    “Now three times a year Solomon offered burnt offerings and peace offerings on the altar which he built for the Lord, and he burned incense with them on the altar […]
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    Night Angels deliver pizzas to those in need.

    The voluntary work of the Night Angels has already reached hundreds of people nationally who are sleeping rough and can benefit from our services. This project consists of distributing hot […]
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