Are you separating time to meditate on the Word of God?

meditating on the Word of God, read the Word of God,

Are you separating time to meditate on the Word of God?
When you pray to God, it is your time to speak to Him. But when you read the Word of God, it is time for God to speak to YOU.

Here are 5 tips on how to meditate on the Word of God:

  1. Find a quiet place

Meditating on the Bible is a great way to connect with God so, make sure you find a quiet place to read, without any distractions. By doing this, you will be able to focus on hearing and understanding the voice of God.

  1. Always pray beforehand 

Before meditating on any Bible verse, you should always make a prayer, asking God to speak to you through the Bible verse or chapter that you will read. It is His word after all so, who better to guide you through it and help you gain a better understanding than God Himself?

  1. When reading ask yourself the 5 W’S:


  • Who is speaking here? Is it God, man, the devil?
  • What does this passage mean? What is it about? What significant words are repeated? They are probably important.
  • When did this happen?
  • Why did this happen?
  • Where did this take place? Where can I find other verses in reference to this passage?
  • Look up the meaning of any words you do not know. Is there anything in the verse you need to OBEY? If so, decide immediately what action you are going to take.
  1. Make notes and highlight what is important

Feel free to make a note of what God has spoken to you in the reading session. Writing things down can help you broaden your understanding of the verse. Do not hesitate to underline, write in the margins, or circle words that are important to you.

  1. Think about how you will apply God’s Word and TAKE ACTION! 

When meditating on the Word of God you should seek to understand how what you have read applies to your day-to-day life and put it into practice. By doing this, you will be able to get the most out of your meditation. Think of it this way, the word of God is like a seed—unless you plant it (act upon what it says), it will not be able to spring forth and bear fruit in your life.

Why not take advantage by putting these tips into practice during the Fast of Daniel?

The Fast of Daniel is based on Daniel chapter 10 in the Bible. This purpose is for you to develop and strengthen your personal relationship with God. Throughout this period, you will deny pleasures and entertainments that distance you from Him, using that time to seek God and meditate on His Word with the main objective to receive the Holy Spirit, to have the Holy Spirit living inside of you; that is constant peace, joy, strength, and a guide living in you. Throughout the Universal Church, the fast will take place from 11th April to 1st May 2022, with the topic of “The Complete Joy“, which can only be offered by the Holy Spirit.

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