Night of the Nights

your spiritual life,

Night of the Nights
In a quest to find out what goals the public set for the new year, many were prompt to answer what they would like to achieve in a street interview held by our TV department.

However, when asked “What plans do you have for your soul?”, this question left many speechless…

When was the last time you thought of the destination of your soul? Have you set goals for the new year for your spiritual life and have you started actively acting upon them?

It has been one year since we started conducting our services of “The Night of the Soul” at the Universal Church. In the last twelve months, thousands of people have renewed their faith and many have restored their relationship with God.

This meeting is for all; newcomers, group members, Assistants, or even you that may feel unstable in your faith.

A new year is only guaranteed new when the Spirit of God is guiding you. Invest in your most precious asset: your soul.

Watch this video below for more info on this meeting:


Event: Night of the Nights
Date and Time: Wednesday, 18 January at 7.30pm (also at 7am, 10am and 3pm)
Location: Taking place at your local Universal Church

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