My Personality

Love Talk Show, my social networks, out of sight,


I’m quite dramatic. I don’t know if you’ve noticed it in my seminars or in the small clips that I post on my social networks. I move my hands, arms, head and my facial expressions, a lot – all because I want to emphasize a problem. People like me tend to be dramatic about everything, when they share an experience, they use a few unnecessary details, which makes all the difference when someone wants to emphasize what they feel. Yeah, that’s me. Sometimes this trait makes my husband, family and my friends laugh, but sometimes, it complicates things…

It complicates things because sometimes, being overdramatic is harmful. Since, when I’m in this mode, I don’t see what’s important, and I waste time. Another bad thing, is that deep down, it is a way of attention seeking. When I think about that, I begin to hate this trait. As, in actual fact, I like to be in the back, behind the scenes, on my table writing or in my hammock reading.

In other words, your personality that is well known among your friends isn’t always the personality that is good for you. This doesn’t mean that we have to stop being who we are, but we must understand that we shouldn’t let ourselves be who we have always been.

I’ll never forget when I climbed the highest mountain in the UK with a group from the church. We started climbing at around 8am and only made it to the top at around 3pm. We prayed for a few seconds, and started climbing back down, as we didn’t want to climb down in the dark. Sometimes I would fall in the snow, but someone would always come cheer me up and help me get back up. After hours of climbing down, not being able to feel my legs, and with the sun almost out of sight, I looked down and the houses looked very small, implying that we were still very far off from reaching the bottom of the mountain. I fell into despair and began to cry. I feel ashamed thinking back, besides it being a dramatic scene before Renato and other friends around us, it revealed something in me I had never seen before. What was the point of climbing the highest mountain in the UK, if when I came down, I came down crying?

Today, ten years on, I see how much I need to change the way I am, which until recently I thought was a part of me. Drama only strengthens what is bad and weakens what is good. It strengthened my fear and weakened my courage.

When I look back, I see the same pattern in every challenge I face… The Marriage Course in Texas, the Live Love Talk Show in Brazil, which continued on Saturdays on Record TV etc. For many people, working on these events and programmes it is like a walk in the park, for me, honestly, it was drama before and after, to the point where I would tire my mind out so much that I couldn’t use it for anything else after an event. It took some time getting used to these challenges. On Record TV, I would make so many mistakes that one day my husband said, “Until when will you treat this program as a burden?”

That’s what a drama queen does. Everything becomes a burden. And here’s a question, – what kind of offering will I be giving to God this way?

“Be strong and of good courage…” Joshua 1:6

It’s not in vain that God told Joshua, to have good courage because it’s possible to have bad courage, which for me signifies, drama. Every challenge is meant to be difficult, however, it’s a conquest.

And you, have you been able to change the bad side of the personality that you’re known for?

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