Amen., Anger, Bible, Christ, Christian, Christianity, God, God the Father, Gospel of Matthew, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Mary, mother of Jesus, receive the Holy Spirit, Resurrection of Jesus, Spiritual gift, the Holy Spirit, the presence of God, the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God,
Not only do all those who sincerely surrender their life to the Lord Jesus have the right to receive the Holy Spirit, but they also need to receive Him.
David had a dream, which turned into a major concern – to find a place for the presence of God to live:
“Surely I will not go into the chamber of my house, or go up to the comfort of my bed; I will not give sleep to my eyes or slumber to my eyelids, until I find a place for the Lord, a dwelling place for the Mighty God of Jacob.” (Psalm 132.3-5)
‘…I will not go into the chamber of my house’, means to make the sacrifice of not occupying your mind with family problems. The devil often uses a family member to blur your vision of faith and of receiving the baptism with the Holy Spirit.
‘I will not give sleep to my eyes or slumber to my eyelids’, means a relentless search and being aware of the unacceptable, which is to not find a place for the Lord within us. More than you desire, the Holy Spirit desires to come upon your body, which was made to be His dwelling place.
“Zacchaeus, make haste and come down, for today I must stay at your house” (Luke 19.5)
God is looking for ‘David’s’ and ‘Zacchaeus’s’, who want to make their lives a dwelling place for Him.
The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God, represented by bishops and pastors, who one day sought and found within themselves a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit to live, bring to you the NIGHT OF THE BRIDEGROOM and the Fast of Daniel – two great opportunities for you to also find ‘a place for the Lord, a dwelling place for the Mighty God of Jacob’ within yourself.
This need is greater than the air that we breathe, because if it lacks and we die, the Holy Spirit will be with us. But if we run out of air without Him, we will be permanently lost. Do not give slumber to your eyelids, my friends. Take advantage of the opportunities that are being given to you, seek Him as soon as possible! Our time is coming to an end… we are in the final years, months, days, hours etc.
“And at midnight a cry was heard: “Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!” (Matthew 25.6)
Do not let your lamp run out of oil.
God bless you.
Bishop Edir Macedo
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