What’s the Guarantee?

finding a new job,

news jungle

Although the lockdown is gradually easing, the results of it are evident. From business closures to layoffs and more, the quarantine has affected those on the Forbes’ list right down to the ordinary family next door.

These times have no doubt been difficult for many, and Kayleigh Rennix is one of those people. She had never struggled to find a job before, but after leaving her close-to-£40,000 role in March with fears of being let go, she has had difficulty finding something new.

“‘As my leaving date approached, coronavirus reared its ugly head. I would say I’ve applied for more than 100 jobs and not had many call-backs,’ she says.”*

Kayleigh’s plans of finding a new job quickly were thwarted by the arrival of Covid-19, a pandemic that took the entire world by surprise. And she is not the only one in this position. “Kayleigh is among the millions of unemployed people who’ve found themselves looking for work during the UK’s worst economic slump on record.”

What guarantee of success is there in such uncertain times? Success starts when you sow the seeds now, doing the best you can. Yes, even in lockdown. If you have applied for 100 jobs or more just like Kayleigh, apply for another 100 until you get the one. You can’t give up, otherwise you will never know success.

Despite the struggle, keep your attitude positive. This will help you to push through each day until you finally get what you have been fighting for financially.

Combine this determination with the faith-based advice you will receive on Mondays at the Financial Independence meetings. In these services, you will never be told that you can’t make it, but encouraged with biblical guidance and practical steps on how to fight for what you want.

Success is only guaranteed when you fight! Tune in to the online meetings every Monday.


Meeting: Financial Independence meetings
Day and time: Monday at 7.30pm (also at 10am and 3pm)
Platforms: Connect to the online meetings via YouTube, Facebook or Liberty Radio

*Source: https://www-bbc-co-uk.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/business-53026175

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