What’s going on with planet Earth?

Planet Earth

News about natural phenomena in several places has spread in the last few weeks, but what is the cause behind all that is going on in the world?

Last Thursday, Heavy rain in Ottawa flooded the streets with 77 millimetres of water, leaving the population frightened. Posts on social media show streets in the area deep under water and the entrance to the Pebb Building, on Riverside Drive was also submerged in water.

Environment Canada recorded between 80 and 110 millimetres of rainfall in the surrounding regions. The extreme weather conditions forced some people to abandon their vehicles in the flooded roads.

However, it wasn’t only in Ottawa that something strange happened. Several forest fires struck Hawaii in the second week of August.

With 106 recorded deaths (a number that may increase, according to the authorities) this type of fire was the most lethal over the last century in the United States. At least 2,200 buildings have been destroyed in the fires, 86% of them residential, displacing 11,000 people and more than 100 have gone missing.

Correspondingly, a sandstorm hit Marrakesh and Agadir in Morocco on August 10th, turning the sky red. One person was killed by a fallen tree and dozens were injured.

A panoramic view of the climate and natural phenomena around the world shows that something is happening to the planet. The Bible reveals that the end times would be marked with signs such as these.

You can read more about this subject in the book, “The World Will Burn” by Renato Cardoso. This book brings to light, “the things which must shortly take place”, including the events of the end times, the deliverance of the saved, the judgement of those whom rejected salvation and the final destination of all physical and spiritual beings.

You can get your copy by visiting ChristianBooks-plus.com or visit your local Universal Church to find out if it is in stock.

Sources: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/flooding-power-outages-ottawa-1.6932806

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