What I learnt from the cicadas

a life of illusion, A Life of Power, Acts of the Apostles, Amen., At His Feet, Bible, Chapters and verses of the Bible, Christ, Epistle to the Colossians, God, God the Father, Holy Spirit, Jesus, life in every way, the Holy Scriptures, unable to cry,

What I learnt from the cicadas

I lived a few years of my childhood in the small, quiet town of Ibiá, in Minas Gerais. Our house had a backyard, which is unconventional to this day, as it was huge. It had some fruit trees and flowers that filled our eyes with beauty. I also spent hours in the garden admiring the beautiful butterflies, ladybugs, the shiny paths of slugs and their slow movement.

Another attraction in this garden was the anthills. My eyes were glued to the tireless comings and goings of those little beings. When I found out that the Holy Scriptures made recommendation about ants, I remembered how much I had lived it.

However, this huge backyard did not only provide fun! Sometimes it was common for us to be daunted by the unexpected appearance of snakes, centipedes and scorpions, but nothing pleased me more than to play with cicadas.

I believe that the residents of large cities don’t know about this bug, unless they search for it on the Internet. And they would most likely be disturbed if they heard the shrill sound produced by them.

I liked cicadas so much that sometimes I would quietly hold them by their wings for a few minutes just to admire them and then let them go, without injuring them (I don’t know what they would have to say about this, lol).

While exploring nature, I discovered so much that it is impossible not to remember and compare it with life, so the story of cicadas inspired me to write today.

The male cicadas use their symphony to attract the female but, also, to announce summer and rain to the farmer.  They sing as loud as they can until they say goodbye to life, but what intrigued me was to discover that some, at death, continued with their shell attached, as if nothing had changed.  They seem perfect, until you touch them and realise that they’re completely dry.

Aren’t there people like this as well—they work, study, shop, go to church, pay bills etc.; apparently everything is normal, but their interior is completely dry and numb to life. Gradually, they become selfish people. They look after their own needs and don’t care whether there is someone beside them who is suffering. They have cold hearts, unable to cry out in repentance when they hurt someone. Then imagine how they have a relationship with God, Who is invisible! They are concerned about maintaining their “shell”, i.e. the appearance and, therefore, they lie, cheat and betray.

Values and principles are part of their past because in their present, what matters most, is to get on with doing their own will.

Dead people lose what gives greater force to existence: “To love God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your understanding” (Matthew 22:37).

Walk in the imprints of your soul, and if you are able to see that over the years, the changes which have happened in your inner self created a life of illusion, and today you identify your essence and your original purpose, there is still a way to change that!

The Lord Jesus repeatedly declared a profound truth, saying to the churches of Revelation as to His real condition: “I know.” He knows everyone, more than we know ourselves.

Nothing can give Him more grief than a person who lives in a superficial and feigned way. So, He said that He becomes sick to the point of feeling like vomiting, with people like that. That is, if even God Himself finds it difficult to have fellowship with them, imagine people? If people like who are like this do not change, they will end up alone.

So, if you are walking towards a life which is a facade, there is still time to change. Repent and discover the joy of true life in every way.

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