UK Caravan to the Temple of Solomon

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Temple of Solomon trip

Members of the Universal Church eagerly awaited the trip to the Temple of Solomon located in Brazil, Sao Paulo, which took place from 16 May – 21 May.

This journey was certain to be very special and spiritually uplifting for all.

Places that were visited on the trip were:

– Solomon’s Temple
– Tabernacle of Moses
– Museum of the 12 Tribes
– Garden of Olives
– Nations Square
– And much more…

The members also had the opportunity to participate in the weekly Univer Mediation with Mrs Cristiane Cardoso who shared pearls of wisdom with all the women.

One of the highlights that stood out for participants was the lessons learned from the olive tree which is located outside of the Temple of Solomon.

Kathleen, who attended this trip said “One of the many things I got from this trip was in the Garden of Olives we understood that because those olive trees went through many sacrifices, they are much stronger than they were before. And the same applies for our lives, we will go through many sacrifices but we can’t be afraid of them as it will only make us stronger if we allow it.”

Neuza added “This trip to the Temple taught me that sacrifice leads me closer and closer to God, and when I depend on His word I will remain stronger. This trip was very special and much more than what I expected.”

The members left this trip having a better understanding of reverence to God in a much more profound way, this was a trip that was unforgettable for many!

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