TikToker fakes his own death


How far are you willing to go to conquer the attention and appreciation of your loved ones? Would you go as far as faking your own death?

This might seem bizarre to you, yet for Belgian TikToker, David Baerten, who faked his own death to see how his family and friends would react, this is what it took to feed his yearning for attention.

He explained to reporters, “What I see in my family often hurts me, I never get invited to anything. Nobody sees me.”

His wife and children, who were involved in the prank, planned his funeral, which he showed up to and surprised his grieved and confused family members.

Unfortunately, according to research, there are many who feel like he did and in the UK the number of people who feel alone is rising rapidly. Roughly 7.1% of people in the UK experience chronic loneliness, meaning they feel lonely often or always.

If you can identify with these feelings of loneliness and you need someone to speak to, do not hesitate, contact us on our 24-Hour Helpline at 020 7686 6000 or by messaging us on WhatsApp at 020 7686 6010. There will be someone available to help you.

Alternatively, you can visit your local Universal Church and ask to speak with a Pastor.

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