The Wellbeing Cafe a huge success!

Wellbeing cafe

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) “in 2019, 970 million people globally were living with a mental disorder, with anxiety and depression the most common”.

At the Universal Church, we are always looking for new ways to bring joy and empowerment to those in need.

Whether through a visit, an uplifting word or a prayer – our volunteers are passionate about spreading joy to their neighbour, as taught by the Lord Jesus in His Word (Matthew 22:39). 

Last Saturday, in recognition of Mental Health Awareness Week, our local Food Banks opened the doors to the Wellbeing Cafe nationwide.

This fantastic initiative offered a warm and welcoming space for people to connect with our friendly team, have a listening ear and enjoy a hot drink.

In our headquarters in Finsbury Park, 8 volunteers eagerly helped to make this event possible.  They received 110 members of the local community and a number of 124 hot drinks were distributed.

The initiative was a hit with the locals, not only in Finsbury Park but nationwide, with many requesting for the Wellbeing Cafe to be open every week.

Our Food Banks are open in most of our HelpCentres every Saturday, from 11am-1pm.

Everyone is welcome, no matter your age, gender, religious belief or background. If you too could benefit from this work, you are more than welcome to visit your local Universal Church this Saturday and our volunteers will be available to help you.

Furthermore, if you are in urgent need of spiritual support, contact us via our 24-hour Helplines. We are here for you!

24-hour WhatsApp: 020 7686 6010
24-hour Helpline: 020 7686 6000


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