The Return to Paradise

Return to paradise news

This November is dedicated to “The Month of the Return to Paradise”. You will have the opportunity to return to Paradise by consulting the Word of God and understanding the plan of God for us.

The Lord Jesus, who was and is the second ‘Adam’, came to give us all an opportunity to return to Paradise, to the correct path. The first Adam, we all know, failed miserably together with his wife and then began a terrible path for humanity.

However, when we put Him first, we receive from Him a “personal Paradise” from Him. It is as if we lived in the popularly known “little piece of Heaven”. So, if you want to walk the path of return, start obeying God and putting Him first in your life.

You may say, the world is lost and it’s getting worse day by day. That’s because the world, since the Garden of Eden, has become separated from God, in general. But there are those who have heard the invitation, God’s proposal to return to Paradise. The Lord Jesus is this path.

In the Garden of Eden, man simply had to maintain all that God had already created, however, today, nature is at war with man. In the Garden, God provided everything man ever needed and He desires to do this again in the lives of those who choose obey.

You will be anointed every week with Holy Oil and receive a special direction to guide you towards a life of peace, protection and provision – just like it was in the Garden of Eden. Don’t miss out on the next three weeks and invite your family to join you for this blessing.

We look forward to seeing you at your local Universal Church.

Event: The Return to Paradise
Date and time: 5, 12, 19 November at 10am (also at 7:30am)
Location: At your local Universal Church

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