The Fruit of the Holy Spirit – Longsuffering



We live in a time where people want everything fast: fast food, fast delivery, fastest route, fastest way to lose weight and the list is endless.

Have you noticed how people no longer know how to wait? When drivers are sitting in traffic or you’re using public transport during rush hour, for example, you’re able to see how people easily become impatient, some even turn aggressive.

Unfortunately, it’s no different when people come to God. They want God to answer their prayers quickly. They want God to prosper them, provide a spouse, give them success, healing, etc… 
And when things don’t happen in the time and way anticipated their trust in God dwindles, easily resorting to a quick fix. This “shortcut”, however, will later bring unpleasant consequences.

However, there is a kind of patience that comes from the Holy Spirit which allows you to remain firm, endure, wait on God and trust that He knows best and that His will and timing are perfect.

Do you want to have this patience?

Be sure not to miss the Bible study, The Fruit of the Holy Spirit this coming Wednesday at your nearest Universal Church.


Event: The Wednesday of the Fruit of the Holy Spirit
Date and Time: Wednesdays at 7:30pm (also at 7am, 10am & 3pm)
Location: At your local Universal Church

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