Speaking up isn’t a sign of weakness!

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Talking about how you feel is one of the quickest ways to experience relief from the pressures of life. Expressing how we feel also helps with decision-making and makes problem solving easier.

On the other hand, when we suppress how we feel, our brain often reacts by going into a fight-or-flight state. This physical reaction results in an increased heart rate, slower digestion and increased feelings of anxiety or depression.

It is very common for people to struggle to control their emotions. However, psychologists at UCLA say that speaking with someone about your troubles relieves you. That’s because when we don’t address how we feel, the emotions don’t disappear. They simply bottle up!

If you’ve been overwhelmed by your problems and are having a hard time dealing with your emotions, give us a call! We are here to be a listening ear when you need it the most.

You can speak with one of our advisors at any time by calling our 24-hour Helpline at 020 7686 6000 or message us on WhatsApp at 020 7686 6010.

Sources: https://www.feelmo.com/post/10-reasons-why-talking-about-your-feelings-is-important


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