Monday of the Earthquake to Open all Doors


Do you feel trapped by a lack of financial condition, debts, rejection and you no longer know what to do?

You get up every morning to go to work, in search of your much-desired financial freedom. Yet, it seems that your financial life has resembled a prison, where problems act like handcuffs that impede you from moving forward.

Has this been you?

If so, join us this week at your local Universal Church, for a special cry out of the ‘Earthquake to Open all Doors’. We will be determining the results you need based on:

“Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were loosed.” (Acts 16:26 NKJV)

You will receive a direction derived from the Word of God to bless your financial life and you will have the opportunity to present your situation to God in prayer.

Bring what represents your financial life to any of the services during the day. We will see you there!


Event: Monday of the Earthquake to Open all Doors
Date and Time: Monday, 20 May at 7:30pm (also at 7am, 10am & 3pm)
Location: At your local Universal Church

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