Liberty Event in Plaistow

Liberty Event in Plaistow

Were you at the Liberty Event which took place in Plaistow on Saturday, 2 September? This jam-packed event was one not to be missed, with almost 200 people, 30 of whom were attending the church for the first time.

The community groups of the Universal Church all came together to make this the greatest event for their local community yet! To make this possible, thorough preparations were put in place and stalls were organised to provide various services to the local community.

374833250 691703755727270 73861242169106380 n A special guest from Newham Public Health said, “I would like to commend your whole team for the precision and attention to detail in planning and the exceptional execution of the event.”

Special attention and care were offered to the seniors who were present on the day with free haircuts and pampering. The members of the public were very grateful to the volunteers who not only gave them a relaxing experience but also offered a friendly chat.

The volunteers of the Patient Care Group (PCG) conducted blood pressure checks of the attendees and spoke about the voluntary work they do, such as visits to hospitals, homes and care homes.

The Victory Youth Group (VYG) showcased what the group is all about with lively and interactive performances by the church youths.

374684401 1262150597803807 5990039322201790307 nLight refreshments such as ice cream and water were offered by the Children’s Biblical Centre (CBC).

The weekly food bank was also available for the attendees to collect food parcels to take home. All in all, the event was a huge success and the attendees look forward to revisiting the Universal Church.

If you were not able to take part in this event but you’d like to know more about the next local community event, you can visit your nearest Universal Church and speak with your Pastor. Alternatively send us a message on our 24-Hour WhatsApp on 020 7686 6010.

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