Intellimen Meeting

Intellimen news copyDo you want to enhance your strength, consequently profiting your career, relationship and overall confidence?

Perhaps you’ve turned to many things in search of a solution to a disreputable situation you’ve been facing in your finances, family or even your health. However, despite your endless efforts you always seem to find yourself back where you started.

Did you know that simply changing your mind could change the course of your life? In other words, if you want to improve the quality of your life you have to decide to first change the way you think.

The strength of a man is not found in his arms, but rather in his mind. In fact, the Bible better explains this by highlighting that it is better when a man can rule over his own spirit (mind) than for him to conquer an entire city (Proverbs 16:32).

The mind is responsible for making all the important decisions that can either bless your life or destroy it. The success of a man starts from within, it’s essential that you take special care of your thoughts to ensure they are self-motivating.

Are you ready to embark on a journey of spiritual growth? To be enlightened and boost your faith so that you can take bold attitudes?

If you have answered yes, you are invited to attend the Intellimen meeting taking place this Sunday at 4pm. This meeting is exclusively for men who want to mature and become better fathers, sons, friends, employees and the like.

These meetings of personal development entails messages specifically targeting the character, behaviour and choices you make to guide you towards a new way of life.

The gems to be discovered in these meetings are priceless and they only happen once a month. So, don’t miss this remarkable opportunity to invest in yourself!

You are encouraged to bring a notebook to ensure that you can make the most of the meeting.

All the Universal Church London Branches will attend the meeting in Finsbury Park at the Rainbow Theatre, 232 Seven Sisters Road, N4 3NX at 4pm. The branches outside London will watch it live from their respective local churches.

Event: Gathering of Men
Date and time: Sunday, 2nd July at 4pm
Location: Rainbow Theatre, 232 Seven Sisters Road, N4 3NX

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