Have You Been Making the Right Choice?


No matter how many options we may seem to have, we will always be between two choices: doing our will or God’s will. Of course, naturally, human beings gravitate towards doing their own will.

It is noticeable that our will seems more useful and effective, but the reality is that sooner or later we find out that it was not the best choice. God’s will normally contradicts ours and, therefore, we tend to do our will, as it seems more attractive.

At the last Godllywood Self-Help meeting, Mrs Helena shared a great advice, that for those who listen and put into practise will make a difference in their life: “Seek for the will of God to be done.”

When God gave us free will, that is, the freedom to choose, He did it so that we could choose, of our own free will, to do His.

Doing God’s will means that we’ll always be at an advantage in everything. He knows everything about us, our past, present and future, and He knows the hearts of everyone around us. Therefore, He has a complete picture of the situation and will never lead us to something that does not work for our good.

Our will, on the other hand, is not reliable. It is based on the circumstances, the moment, our feelings, and oftentimes, reason is left out of the equation.

Furthermore, as difficult as it may seem, God’s will leaves no room for doubts, but generates peace and will always be the best alternative. When you do God’s will, life works.

Unfortunately, this is not the kind of topic the world discusses. Despite this, the secret of abundant life was taught by Jesus in the best-known of prayers, the Lord’s Prayer, when He says, “Thy will be done”.

Every day we must fight to be aligned with the will of God, as this is the secret to having a fulfilled and peaceful life.

Were you at the last Godllywood Self Help meeting? How was your experience – leave your comments on our social media platforms.

If you were not present, you don’t want to miss the next one. Visit us at your local Universal Church and ask to speak with your pastor’s wife, who will be able to answer any questions you have and offer spiritual support.

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