Have you been a true leader in your marriage?


On Sunday 30th July at 4pm a meeting for the married men was held in the Universal Church in Finsbury Park.

The main message, inspired by Abraham’s example in the Bible was powerful and everyone present learnt how they can be a better leader in their homes – consequently offering security to their families.

Abraham’s family witnessed his good leadership skills, he protected his family at all costs and truly loved his wife. But what does that have to do with the married men in our current society and how can they apply these peculiar qualities? Keep reading to find out.

  • Excellent leadership

Abraham lived in Haran with his family and had a life of security (a home, possessions, familiarity). When he received God’s direction to leave all of this behind to go to the place that God would later reveal to him, leading his family on such a journey was his responsibility. (Genesis 12:1-9)

Therefore, his family trusted his vision (and the promise of God) to leave behind what was comfortable and go to an unknown destination, they trusted his judgment as he assured them that all would go well.

  • Protection

A strong husband protects his family from the perverse principles and ideas in today’s society. Bishop James shared the importance of a husband monitoring what his children watch on TV, what they do on their devices or when they are out with friends.

A father should be careful not to allow what destroys families into his home, from inappropriate TV programs, to the clothing our family will wear.

  • Authentic love

Abraham was married to Sarah, who for a very long period of their marriage could not bare children. In his era, polygamy was acceptable in order to generate as many descendants as possible. Nonetheless, Abraham chose to be faithful to his wife – revealing his true love for her.

The men were invited to consider whether their wives feel that they are loved and how often they display their love through action. Gestures such as vocalising his love to his wife, physical affection and undivided attention are all ways in which a husband can remind his wife of his love for her.

The men were invited to reflect on how they have been in their own homes and how they can invest in themselves to better replicate the example Abraham.

God promised in His word to teach us all things, so even if you didn’t have a good reference as a husband in your house, all is not lost. The meeting ended with a prayer before the altar, where the husbands had the opportunity to seek the Holy Spirit and ask god to help them practise all that they had learnt.

Overall, the meeting was insightful and everyone who attended was surely blessed. The attendees look forward to the next opportunity to invest in themselves and anticipate future meetings tailored to men.

If you could not attend this meeting, keep your eyes peeled on our social media platforms for any upcoming events so you don’t miss any future meetings! If you would like to speak with a Pastor or one of our advisors in the meantime, you can do so by visiting us at your nearest Universal Church.

Alternatively, you can contact us on our 24-Hour Helpline on 020 7686 6000 or message us on WhatsApp on 020 7686b 6010. There will be a Pastor available to assist you!

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