Gathering of the men of Honour

Intellimen meeting

Over the weekend the intellimen meeting took place in the headquarters, Rainbow Theatre where all those present learned the importance of what it means to be a man of honour.

True honour doesn’t come from something tangible, rather it’s the upholding of one’s word, the integrity of your character before God and therefore before men.

“The honour of a man is not whatever he receives such as possessions or social positions but what he is. I understood that to be a man of honour I have to have good virtue, be responsible, and most importantly have integrity. These are characteristics that today are not common. It is only by surrendering my life to God and living according to the word of God that I can be a man of Honour because it is the plan of God for all men.” Nixon

“I must live a life founded on honesty and integrity in everything I do. Not because I want to be honored by people or even God. But because I want to honor God by representing a righteous character in every area of my Life.” Jamal

Keep your eyes peeled for the next intellimen meeting on our social media platforms: Instagram and Facebook

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