Everyone Needs Help Sometimes!

Help News

Recent news reveals the death of actor, Angus Cloud, 25, who died from what was said to be an accidental overdose of various drugs, including cocaine.

According to BBC news, Cloud’s father had died not long before his death and that his family had “intensely struggled with this loss”. He attended the funeral in Ireland a week before he died from the overdose.

His loved ones reported that Cloud was very open about his battle against his mental health, and hope that his death can be a reminder to others that they shouldn’t fight this battle alone.

Mental health is a fast-growing issue worldwide and everyone has a different way of coping with this pressure.

When facing a period of poor mental health, it can be very overwhelming. In fact, statistics by Help Guide, a mental health non-profit organisation, say that alcohol and drugs are often used to self-medicate mental health symptoms.

It’s important to note that ignoring these negative and destructive habits can worsen the symptoms. In the long run, harmful substances can increase the symptoms they initially relieved, such as stress, anxiety and depression.

Therefore, finding the necessary support is essential to have you back on the right track and redeem your sense of self. If you can relate to the topics mentioned in this article, you are advised to visit your GP, so you can be prescribed with the relevant medical treatment.

Having the right support group is also vital for a speedy recovery. Having people who care about your wellbeing close to you means you are not fighting alone, which makes the load lighter to carry.

If you have been looking for spiritual support and advice, the Universal Church is always here to help you!

When you enter through the doors of one of our churches, you will meet Pastors and assistants who are available to support you in the battles you are facing. They are here to help, so no matter how small or big your problem is, they are ready to fight with you.

You don’t have to suffer or fight in silence, because we all need help sometimes, and when your problems seem unbearable to manage, God is ready to strengthen you:

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10 NKJV) 

Looking for help? Then, this event is for you. You are invited to attend the, “Help!” event which will be taking place on Sunday, 15 October at 10am at your local Universal Church.

Do not miss this great event and invite your family to join you to also receive the help they have been looking for.

If you cannot wait and would like to speak with someone urgently, you can call our 24-Hour Helpline on 020 7686 6000 or message us at any time on WhatsApp: 020 7686 6010.

Event: Help
Date and Time: Sunday, 15 October at 10am
Location: At your local Universal Church

Sources: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-66889235

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