Does the advancement of artificial intelligence delight or scare you?

Does the advancement of AI scare or delight you
When talking about robots, some immediately think of mechanical arms used in factory production, vacuum cleaners programmed to clean the house by themselves, and other simpler products. Before, robots only gained prominence in science fiction movies, but in this age of progress in robotics and artificial intelligence (AI), machines are adapting to human needs and several humanoid robots are being developed to be used in different ways.

Currently, robots can do a series of tasks previously only performed by humans and some of them have already become popular in videos on the internet. You may have heard, for example, of Sophia, developed by the Chinese engineering and robotics company Hanson Robotics. She is the first robot innovation ambassador for the United Nations (UN) Development Program. Sophia and dozens of other humanoids will be in Switzerland, at the global summit on artificial intelligence, a UN event scheduled for the 6 and 7 of July. They will answer questions from journalists and show human-like skills.

In 2021, Elon Musk introduced TeslaBot, a kind of multifunctional helper robot. Chinese tech giant Xiaomi has created the TeslaBot-like CyberOne, which measures 1.77 meters tall and weighs 52 kilograms. CyberOne is capable of detecting human emotions and, when noticing someone sad, for example, emits words of comfort.

The humanoid robots are divided into two categories: the “social” serves, for example, as an escort, receptionist, tour guide, answering questions in public places and even a caregiver – a kind of virtual assistant with hands and legs -, and the “ worker”, developed to operate in factories, in the extraction of raw materials, in repetitive and heavy services and in places dangerous for humans.

There are many questions surrounding ethics in the creation and performance of artificial intelligence: how will machines replace man? How long will it take? Would technology take away jobs on a large scale? Only time will answer these questions.

Currently, technology already creates great dependence on people. It is used from the time we wake up until the time we go to sleep. In addition, experts say that while machines are becoming more and more intelligent, human beings are thinking less and less.

The dependence on technology reflects in their spiritual life, despising Bible reading and prayers, but not a day goes by without checking social media and, therefore, become spiritually cold.

Frightened or not by the advancement of technology, it is essential to remain focused and always prioritise your spiritual life as the coming of the Lord Jesus is prominent now more than ever.

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