Do you need to break a negative habit?

Do you need to break a habit
The NHS has increased its support for people with gambling problems as a result of soaring demands.

A record 1,389 patients were referred for help last year, compared with 1,013 in the previous 12 months and 775 two years ago.

As a result, the NHS is launching seven more specialist gambling clinics to support those who are struggling. Have you been dominated by a negative habit? Drinking, drugs, social media, gambling and shopping, to name a few.

Negative habits can lead anyone astray from a normal way of living, taking away their peace of mind, happiness in their family and a thrive to succeed in their career.

Attempts of trying to quit can become demotivated and many end up back in a vicious cycle becoming what seems like a slave to this habit.

Every Sunday, at 4pm the Universal Church holds a meeting specially for those who need to break the habit but can’t do it alone.

Breaking the Habit service is dedicated to giving the spiritual help you or your loved ones need to fight to recover and stay recovered from negative habits and/or addictions.

What to expect:
– Prayers
– Spiritual support
– Practical advice
– Real-life inspiring stories

Event: Breaking the Habit
Date and Time: Sundays at 4pm
Location: Taking place at your local Universal Church


Please note that Universal Church’s spiritual advice is to be seen as a complement to the scientifically proven treatment you may be receiving. The UCKG HelpCentre does not claim to heal people but believes that God can through the power of faith. Always follow your doctor’s instructions.

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