Christian martyred by seven masked men.

Christian killed 1

Last month, 45-year-old Kiisa Masolo was returning home to the village of Nakitiku, Uganda, after preaching on the streets, when he was attacked by seven masked men.

These men took him from his home, according to his mother, Norah Nandege.

Her son did not appear until the morning of the next day, so she reported his capture. That’s when they started searching until they found him dead with deep cuts on his head and neck.

“After four hours of searching, the body of my son Masolo was found lifeless, in the bush, with a note written in Arabic that we were unable to read,” said Nandege.

Soon, a person fluent in Arabic translated the note that said:

“We had warned you… but you failed to heed to our warning. This has finally cost your life.”

This cruel attack was considered just one of many cases of persecution that have occurred in Uganda.

This country is one of many in Africa and across the world where Christians continue to suffer daily for their faith.

Even though the country’s constitution provides for laws that guarantee religious freedom, including the right to propagate one’s faith and convert other people, persecution is increasing.

In this week’s Bible Study service, the attendees watched a documentary in all our local Universal Churches. It exposed the persecution experienced by the converts in some of these places.

The attendees learnt the importance of developing a resilient faith, which does not waver in the face of difficulties, similar to that of those in the documentary who defended their faith even when their lives were at risk.

The service ended with the moment to speak to God, where the members had the opportunity to surrender their lives to Him and leave the service with their spirit revived.

Were you present at the last Bible Study of The Fruit of the Holy Spirit? Leave your comments in this social media post and let us know how you found it.

Furthermore, don’t miss next week’s study where we will continue exploring the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Event: Wednesday of The Fruit of the Holy Spirit
Date and Time: Wednesdays at 7:30pm (also at 7am, 10am & 3pm)
Location: At your local Universal Church


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