attending the Universal Church, chemotherapy, Faith, treatment,
“It was a usual work day in September 2021, until my employers noticed that suddenly I was walking differently and showing signs of confusion. Fearing that it could be the beginning of a stroke, they called an ambulance. I was rushed to the hospital and after some tests, it was found that what I actually had was Brain Lymphoma!”
Cancer Research UK* describes Lymphoma of the brain as one of the rarest forms of cancer, with only ‘2 in every 100 brain or spinal cord tumours (2%) being Lymphomas. Unlike other cancers, it is difficult to remove with surgery without causing severe side effects, including speech problems and disability, so the treatment consists mainly of chemotherapy. To Ms Vera, this meant that she was about to face a strenuous journey, and her first reaction was one of apprehension.
“When I heard the news, it was a huge and unexpected shock! However, I had been attending the Universal Church for over 10 years and remembered that, regardless of what I was about to face, they would be there for me. I went straight from the hospital to the nearest branch, where the pastor prayed for me and gave me encouraging words: ‘Everything will be alright Ms Vera. This situation will become a testimony!’ I prayed, surrendering my fear to God, and left the church empowered with a new mindset to face the battle that was about to start.
“I would have to go through a brain biopsy, which consisted of introducing a needle into the area and collecting brain tissues to find out more about the Lymphoma. The possible risks included bleeding, stroke, infection and brain swelling. The procedure was scheduled for two weeks later and in the meantime, I kept praying, believing that everything would be fine.
“On the day of the biopsy, the doctor came to my room and informed me that the lump had shrunk drastically, so the operation was suspended. I couldn’t describe how happy and relieved I felt!
“The next step was four cycles of chemotherapy and I was ready. I can say that the Universal Church was a huge support system during that period because, although they couldn’t visit me due to the social isolation restrictions due to Covid 19, the pastors, volunteers and members of the church were always in touch.
“I would speak to them on the phone before each chemo session to pray together. I also had a small bottle of olive oil** that was blessed before the lockdown and anointed myself every day. All these acts of faith helped me to believe that the treatment would be successful. The nurses were amazed by how calm I was throughout the whole process.”
The symptoms related to Lymphomas listed by Cancer Research UK include strong headaches, double vision, nausea and loss of hearing, but Ms Vera’s organism responded extremely well to that unprecedented challenge.
“Apart from the signs of confusion that I showed in the beginning, the physical effects of the Lymphoma were minimal.During the last stage of the chemo sessions, I lost my appetite and consequently lost weight, but other than that, there were no further side effects.
After five months of being hospitalised, I received the news that the cancer was in complete remission and apart from some routine follow-up appointments, I was given the all-clear.
I am grateful to God first, also to the doctors and the Universal Church. The words I heard from the pastor are now a reality: today I am sharing my story to inspire others who may be going through the same battle.”
Vera Oliveira
NOTE: The Universal Church’s spiritual advice is to be seen as a complement to the scientifically proven treatment you may be receiving. The Universal Church does not claim to heal people but believes that God can through the power of faith. Always follow your doctor’s instructions. **Please note that the oil itself has no magical properties, but it can be used to awaken your faith and give you the willpower to overcome your battles. Our spiritual advice should be seen as a complement to any scientific or medical treatment you may be receiving. *Source: