Trusting even when things go wrong

Belief, trusting,

Trusting even when things go wrong

How would you react if everything started going wrong all of a sudden? Would you be ready for that to happen? There are times when we go through certain situations, and the only option we have is to trust. But what exactly does that mean?

Is everything going wrong?

Trusting means to have faith and believe in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something. Everything in life passes and everything serves to teach us a lesson, even though the situation we are going through may seem as if there were no solution.

Perhaps everything is going wrong at the moment—at home, in your financial life, in your love life or even inside of you or in your life in general.

What you see around you is different from what you hope for, but I propose that you trust. “Trust in whom or what?” you may ask. Trust that everything will change.

Wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t need good moments to smile, but were able to smile even when things were going wrong?

The sun will shine again!

If you would like to learn more about having this kind of trust, come and participate in our seminar this Sunday at 5pm. We will be chatting woman to woman about how you can get this tool and be able to use it any time you need it.


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    13th July 2015

    I nrrd help with my problems

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      17th August 2015

      Hi Helen, Please message us on our Facebook page so that we can help you further.

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    Audrey Brotherson

    16th July 2015

    Trust is what you have to do when the days seem to roll into the nights, the Summer, Spring and Autumn roll in Winter and is seems like one long day with no light at the end of the tunnel. This is when your faith kicks in and you have no other option, but to TRUST

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    Granny Tshabalala

    21st June 2016

    At some situations it might seem impossible to trust, one would say.after reading I learnt that God want us to trust in Him in all situations, rainy days or sunny days, in the morning and night and surely He would take care of us.

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