Tune in to the Be Inspired Special Programme

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Do you know who your biggest enemy is? The answer to this question could be closer to you than you think.

You would have heard the common expression, “you are your worst enemy” and in many ways this is true.

How many people do you know that were very skilled and talented with many prospects for the future but because of laziness or timidity they did not unleash their full potential?

On the other hand, many who came from a broken or disadvantaged background were able to succeed in life as a result of their determination and fervour.

So, we can conclude that our biggest enemy is not any external factor or even a person, but rather our own spirit (mind, mentality and thoughts).

The Bible says, “whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down, without walls,” (Proverbs 25:28). So, to achieve a happy life, you must be willing to filter the thoughts that enter your mind and remove the fearful, doubtful or hesitant mentality.

Having a strong spirit means that you think in a positive and motivated way and when you are faced with an obstacle you roll up your sleeves to tackle it head-on.

In order to achieve this new mindset, there must be an exchange – our old spirit for a new one.

Every weeknight at 10:30pm on Liberty Radio, Bishop James and Pastors are live on the Be Inspired programme exactly for this purpose – to teach you how you can exchange your spirit.

You can connect by downloading the Liberty Radio app on your phone (free of charge) or by visiting the website at libertyradio.co.uk.

You will receive a message every single night to boost your faith and a prayer of agreement – determining that you will experience this transformation of mind.

Invite your family members to join you for this special programme as they will surely benefit from the gems that will be shared live.

If you need to speak with an advisor about anything mentioned during the programme you can call us on our 24-Hour Helpline at 020 7686 6000. Alternatively, you can send us a message on WhatsApp at 020 7686 6010.

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