The 21-Day Fast of Daniel


The Fast of Daniel is a period in which we leave secular information aside, to focus on the presence of God. It’s a time for you to detox from useless content which can sometimes get in the way of you drawing closer to the Almighty.

If you are considering to take part in it, don’t hesitate! Thousands of people have already seen results in their relationship with God after taking part in this purpose of faith.

It is important to note that this fast is for everyone. Those who are new to the church and are taking their first steps in their journey of faith and those who have attended the church for a while and are seeking the baptism in the Holy Spirit, or to be renewed in their faith.

Prepare yourself for this fast: already decide what you will need to cut off during this period, and what you will spend more time investing in. For example, you might decide to read a book of faith to feed your spirit.

You can also already choose which books in the Bible you will mediate on, and what you will do to challenge yourself during this period, such as attending a service you don’t usually attend, picking the days you will fast, and more.

The Fast of Daniel will commence on Monday, 11 March and will end on Easter Sunday, 31 March.

To join this purpose, be sure to attend the Sunday Morning service at your local Universal Church at 10am. There is no better place to begin this purpose, than in the House of God.

If you have any doubts or queries regarding this fast, don’t hesitate to contact us on our 24-Hour Helpline and WhatsApp numbers, or if you prefer to speak with someone in person, visit us at your local branch and look for your Pastor.

24-Hour Helpline: 020 7686 6000

24-Hour WhatsApp: 020 7686 6010

To learn more about the Fast of Daniel, watch this video below:

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