Dress the little ones in costumes and go trick-or-treating? Watch a scary movie with friends? Or skip the festivities altogether? Halloween is often celebrated as a festive day filled with […]
On Saturday, 26th October, we gathered for the highly anticipated Breast Cancer Awareness event, “Together We Are Stronger,” hosted by the Patient Care Group. Held during ‘Breast Cancer Awareness Month,’ […]
For thousands of years, the Bible has been a vital book for many people and cultures around the world. Serving as a foundational text that provides spiritual direction and principles […]
Prepare yourself for the greatest Victory Youth Group (VYG) event of the year! The Encounter Night Vigil is not just another gathering—it’s a life-changing experience for those who are ready to […]
The daily life of a healthcare professional comes with many challenges. This career, dedicated to a vital cause, requires personal sacrifice and often demands long working hours. While they are […]
Victor Sharrah had perfect vision until suddenly, in 2020, something really odd happened. The 59-year-old man from Clarksville, Tennessee, woke up and saw his roommate heading to the bathroom. Nothing […]
Romantic relationships are often fraught with challenges, especially when people fail to recognise early warning signs or don’t know how to navigate the initial stages of dating. Many relationships crumble […]
Human actions, such as environmental degradation and resource exploitation, are jeopardising the survival of Earth and its inhabitants, leading to severe consequences for food, energy and water security. A recent […]
As November begins, it brings “The Month of the Sacred.” But what does it mean for something to be sacred? According to the Cambridge Dictionary “sacred” means something holy and […]
Anyone who claims to have no fears is likely not being entirely honest. While some people may experience it more intensely than others, everyone has fears – such as being […]