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Balance – The Secret to Intelligent Faith

Balance – The secret to Intelligent Faith.

Balance – The secret to Intelligent Faith.

Everything God does is perfect and in His perfection, balance is always present – ​​including the use of faith.

Faith is the element that enables human beings to lead their lives with prudence, stability and wisdom.

Faith is essential at all times, however, when this power is used in an unbalanced way, it stops being orchestrated by the Almighty and ends up being directed by the heart, generating internal and external conflicts, in addition to irreparable damage.

 In light of this, the Word of God guides us saying: “Do not be overly righteous, nor be overly wise: Why should you destroy yourself?” (Ecclesiastes 7:16 NKJV)

This means that those who believe are endowed with wisdom and justice, however, if misused, the believer is subject to self-destruction.

Solomon, for example, was attributed unmeasurable wisdom and knowledge (I Kings 4:29). However, his lack of balance implicated decision-making, giving way to pride and consequently to his ruin.

Today, unfortunately, this same story is repeated among many religious people who become conceited because they feed an emotional faith, lacking intelligence or reasoning, without realising that an unbalanced faith gives rise only to fanaticism.

The faith that pleases God is based on His Word, and to achieve it we need to use the understanding that only the Holy Spirit is able to grant us.

“However, when He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth […]” (John 16:13 NKJV)

Therefore, seek Him above all things and enjoy the fullness of life through an intelligent, that is, balanced, faith.


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