Let’s Get Personal!

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Did you know there are four different personality types – doer, perfectionist, fun and peaceful!

The question is which one are you? Each personality trait maybe different however they can complement each other.

Identifying which personality you have will also help you know what you’re looking for in a potential partner.

That’s why the Love Team will get personal! In this Singles’ Hour will you get help in a fun way to identify and discover the personality you have and what best suits you in a relationship.

Packed with activities, games, conversation stirrers, snacks and beverages the Love Team always strives to create an environment that will help singletons break the ice!

It will be another month of coming out of your comfort zone, getting to know yourself and those around you, and who knows a month where you might just find your potential other.

Don’t let this opportunity pass you by, save the date, bring a friend and make this Singles’ Hour a memorable one.

The Love Therapy seminar will follow shortly after the Singles’ Hour at 8pm, where all are invited to invest in their love life.


Event: Let’s Get Personal – Singles’ Hour
Date and Time: Thursday, 1 June at 6.30pm
Location: Taking place at the Rainbow Theatre

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