What kind of beauty really matters?

bible verse,

What kind of beauty really matters?

Believe it: you are much more than your appearance

Appearance has been the most important subject in the lives of many women. Thus, they become slaves to vanity, doing anything to become more beautiful. Some even want to become a different person, physically speaking, either to adapt to the current beauty standard or simply because they don’t accept themselves with the genetics that God has given them. And if a family member, friend or even a doctor suggests that they should change something about their looks, they tend to accept undergoing aesthetic procedures that will cost them a lot of money. There is a relentless search for the “perfect look”, but the question is: perfect for whom?

Of course, we need to take care of our appearance. Every woman feels good and more secure in herself with beautiful clothes, neat hair or even makeup. However, this doesn’t mean that we should become hostages to our physical appearance.


Everything in life needs to be done with balance. However, in many cases, the search for the perfect look increases as the years go by. Social pressures for “eternal youth” also reinforce women’s concerns for their appearance. Many don’t understand that ageing is part of the natural process of life, and they try everything to eliminate wrinkles and laugh lines. They forget that these lines are part of their story. How many women have asked themselves what really matters in their lives? Does all this effort in the name of appearance pay off?

Know Your Value

Brazilian writer Cristiane Cardoso explained that the beauty of each woman goes beyond their looks, the shape of their nose, their skin, or their body. “The value of women is far above all of that,” she said.

Cristiane gave the Biblical passage described in Matthew 6:25 as an example: “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?”

This Bible verse makes it clear that the body is more important than clothing; not the physical, but the spiritual body.

Dear reader, what’s the use of having the look you desire the most if what really matters is your value as a woman and as a human being?

The world is full of people who are apparently “beautiful” but have ugly behaviours. To the Lord Jesus, our value goes beyond our exterior. For Him, our value lies within us. If you want to be a woman who recognises your real value, follow the Godllywood project’s social networks (@GodllywoodUK) or call our 24h Helpline for more info: 020 7686 6000.


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