Walk into Monday on the right foot!

It is universally agreed, that at the end of every restful and enjoyable weekend awaits a highly dreaded Monday. There may be very few things that can prepare you for the loathsome sound of your alarm on a Monday morning, however, there are some useful hacks you can implement into your weekends that could help you have a smoother start to your week!

1. Prepare on Friday
Preparing for the week ahead on a Friday evening may seem tedious, but it means that you can spend the rest of your weekend unwinding, whilst still ensuring you have a stress-free Monday morning.

2. Get enough rest
The amount of sleep you get has an impact on your mood and productivity levels, so some much-needed shut-eye may be exactly what you need to kick-start your week. Avoid looking at emails, or doing work-related activities over the weekend, to give your mind the space to rest too.

3. Dress for success
Most people just throw the easiest thing on when getting ready on Mondays, sometimes not even brushing their hair. However, with there being a direct correlation between how you present yourself and how you feel, putting on a favourite outfit will give you an advantageous confidence lift.

4. Re-charge your faith
Have you already added attending a service on a Sunday Morning, at your local Universal Church to your weekly weekend routine? The messages you will receive are there to empower you and give you a much-needed direction for the week ahead.

We invite you to try these tips out this weekend, and see how they can help you have a greater start to your week!



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