Rebuilding Yourself: Healing from Trauma


Last week attendees learned the importance of the first step, rebuilding themselves – the ground needs to be well prepared in order for it to be built on. This entails removing all the rubble and stones, only then will the foundation be well prepared.

The same goes for rebuilding yourself, first of all, you need to remove all the debris from your interior: sorrows, resentments, traumas, complexes, etc. Inner cleansing is key to your healing and rebuilding development, this process can be likened to when a new building is erected.

rebuild2This week at the Love Therapy seminar, we invite you to identify past wounds and discover the path of healing for the success of your love life.

Remember that building a foundation takes time, effort and resources. The same is true for rebuilding yourself.

Make a worthwhile investment, by attending the Love Therapy seminar this Thursday at 8pm at the Rainbow Theatre.

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