Templo Satânico cria programa educacional que ensina o satanismo

Centro de Ajuda local, Estudo do Apocalipse, limpeza espiritual, objeto de culto, senso de identidade,

Schools in the United States of America (USA) are preparing for the start of the school year, which, with slight variations from school to school, will take place between August and September. And one of the biggest news is the possibility for public schools to offer classes in Satanism.

This option exists because an association called the Satanist Temple of the USA created an educational project to offer students, as a complementary lesson, the possibility of learning to be Satanists.

“The Satanic Temple is a religion like any other, insofar as we (members) have a sense of identity , community, narrative structure, culture and shared values,” association spokeswoman Chalice Blythe told the BBC. .

The purpose of the project, called “After School Satan Program” (“Satan Program”, in free translation) is that, once a month, public school students have access to Satanism education. The images in this article are part of the promotional material for this project.

Preparing the way for the antichrist

Since 2001, the US Government has allowed schools to offer religious classes as a complementary activity. Thus, many colleges have Islamic, Buddhist and various other religions educational programs. Each school chooses which programs to maintain and each family decides whether or not their children can participate in that activity. As it is the religion that has the most followers in the country, Christianity is also the religion that is most present in schools. And that’s what bothers the Satanist group.

To combat the spread of Christianity, the Satanist Temple wants to introduce textbooks about their religion, extracurricular activities and even build statues in honor of the devil.

The truth is, as the spokeswoman for the Satanist Temple herself admits: the real objective is not to teach children something good, but to prevent Christianity from continuing to be propagated. And this is nothing more than preparing the way for the Antichrist.

In the book Study of the Apocalypse , Bishop Edir Macedo explains that the name “antichrist” means someone who opposes Christ and rises up against God.

Hence the reason why the apostle Paul refers to the antichrist in this way:

“Which is opposed and exalted above everything that is called God or is worshiped , to the point of taking his seat in the temple of God…” (Thessalonians 2:4)

We also add that the antichrist that emerged from the sea, that is, the first beast, according to the description of the Lord Jesus , the apostles and the prophets, has distinct characteristics and the following is said of him: Man of lawlessness – also called “man of lawlessness”. sin”. Antichrist is a man of character seated in sin.

Son of perdition – One whose destiny is to be destroyed under the righteous wrath of God.

The Antichrist is an incarnation of the devil, as he, as a spirit, needs to use a human body to spread his intentions. The king of Tire at the time of Ezekiel, for example, was an incarnation of Lucifer (Ezekiel 28).

Pharaoh, king of Egypt, also incarnated the satanic spirit. All Roman emperors called themselves “divine”, and even demanded personal worship. Nero and Domitian especially had a deadly hatred of Christians because they refused to worship them.

Therefore, the plan of evil for these last times is to sacrifice true Christians, that is, those who oppose its supposed authority.

But God will not allow the suffering of His children, because before the antichrist appears, the Church of the Lord Jesus will be raptured.

If you want to know more about what is about to happen in this world, according to the revelations made in the Bible, join our  Study of the Apocalypse , which takes place every Sunday at 6 pm at your local Help Center . If you want to guarantee your protection, you can also participate in our Spiritual Cleansing , which takes place every Friday at 7:30 pm (also at 12:00 pm).

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