Unlike some Christian churches including Roman Catholics and the Church of England, the UCKG HelpCentre does not practise exorcism. Instead, it offers deliverance services designed to pray for spiritual cleansing from all negativity, which often helps those attending to gain greater peace of mind.
The UCKG HelpCentre does not claim to heal people but believes that God can heal through the power of faith. Its Tuesday healing services offer prayers for congregants who may be experiencing physical illness.
The church does not have specialist medical expertise so people who present themselves at church with an illness are ALWAYS advised to seek a medical diagnosis from their GP. Furthermore, anyone claiming to have been healed whilst attending a UCKG HelpCentre service is invariably referred to their doctor because the UCKG HelpCentre only recognises healings that have been confirmed by a qualified medical practitioner.
There is, however, growing interest in the healing effects of prayer right across the Christian community. The Church of England in its report A Time to Heal (2000) encourages every parish church in the UK to adopt the ministry of healing*.
*Reference: http:/news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/782299.stm
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