

Sede Nacional:
Teatro Rainbow,
232 Seven Sisters Road,
Finsbury Park, Londres,
N4 3NX
Veja o mapa
Reuniões em Inglês:
Segunda à Sexta: 7am, 10am, 3pm & 7.30pm
8pm (Love Therapy)

Sábado: 7am, 10am (Batalhão), 3pm 
Domingo: 7.30am, 10am & 4pm (Addiction Cleansing Therapy)

Reuniões em Português:
Segunda à Sexta: 10am, 12pm, 3pm & 7.30pm
8pm (Terapia do Amor)
Sábado: 10am (Batalhão) &
7am (
Jejum das Causas Impossíveis)
Domingo: 7.30am 10am & 6pm
3pm (Vida a Cores)

Reuniões em Espanhol:
Seg, Qua, Sex: 7am, 12pm4.30pm & 7.30pm
Domingo: 8.30am & 12pm

Outras Localizações:



  • Brian Pedro.

    7 de March, 2016

    Good day Pastor; I always recieved your email in portudese i dont understand it will you kindly send it to me in english please.

    • Centro de Ajuda

      14 de March, 2016

      Dear Brian, The case may be that you are included in the mailing list for Portuguese speakers but not the English. If you would like, we can include you to the weekly mailing list where you will receive the Monday Morning Pearl. This is our online newsletter containing inspiring messages and faith building articles to strengthen your faith. Is this something you would like?


    12 de May, 2016

    Buen dìa. Deseo pedir colaboración de la familia Macedo, ya que estoy en muchas dificultades económicas, si pudieran donarme una maquina bordadora semi profesional, para iniciar un negocio propio, les agradecería mucho. Dios los siga bendiciendo.