Nicolas Cage pede anulação de casamento após quatro dias de união

Teatro Rainbow, unido em matrimônio,

Nicholas Cage

According to the actor, the reason they got married was a mistake. Understand

Actor Nicolas Cage filed for an annulment just four days after the wedding. The union with costume designer Erika Koike took place in Las Vegas and, according to Cage, it only happened because they were drunk.

The actor claimed he was “unaware of his actions” at the time of the wedding. He also said he needs to annul the marriage because he was told after the ceremony about his wife’s anger issues and drunk driving.

The two had been dating since April 2018, a time that Cage claimed was insufficient to know Erika’s police record.

This is Cage’s fourth marriage. The second, with Lisa Marie Presley (Elvis’ daughter) lasted just 108 days.

Nicolas Cage is one of many

The actor’s justification for asking for the annulment of the marriage is to have joined in marriage for the wrong reason. In this case, alcoholism.

You don’t have to go through the same situation, thus avoiding suffering in your sentimental life. Join us in the Therapy of Love, learn intelligent love, every Thursday at 8 pm at the Rainbow Theater .

232  Rainbow Theater Seven Sisters Road
LondonN4 3NX

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