Mulher pula do 4º andar para fugir do marido agressor

canal do Youtube, em estado crítico,

Samara de Oliveira Felipe is begging for surgery. That’s because, as she says in a video released on the internet last June 3, on the Youtube channel of the newspaper Metrópoles DF, she is afraid that, without the operation, she will become paraplegic.

Samara’s suffering began 2 years ago, with her marriage to Thiago Dantas, as friends of the couple told the newspaper Correio Braziliense. On the 29th of May, however, the problems multiplied at an alarming rate.

It all started when Thiago watched pornography on the computer while Samara slept. According to the aggressor himself, he would have recognized his wife in videos and went hunting for her. From then on, Samara suffered with punches and kicks. Thiago twisted her arm and threatened her with a knife.

“He took the knife and said he was going to kill me. He was crazy watching the videos. I thought the only way out was to jump from there”, Samara told the rescuers, after jumping from the 4th floor of the building where she lives, in Taguatinga – administrative region of the Federal District –, to save her own life.

In the fall, Samara hurt her arms, legs and spine. Even so, Thiago went down to the courtyard of the building to kill her, being restrained by the neighbors, who called for help. Thiago showed the videos to all the neighbors who were there, but none of them claimed to have recognized the victim. Apparently, Thiago confused someone else with his wife.

Samara is hospitalized in critical condition , she underwent surgery that implanted nine pins in her spine, but she is still waiting for other interventions on her feet. After paying bail of 2,000 reais, Thiago was released and will respond freely for the crimes of libel, defamation and bodily injury.

open door to evil

The devil uses several tools to corrupt humans, but the most efficient is the desire of the flesh. He is a bait to catch a precious soul, as Bishop Sergio Corrêa explained during the Obreiros em Foco program.

When a person gives in to greed and practices infidelity, prostitution, pornography and other similar sins, evil “fishes” the human being with these baits and has a free way to enter his life.

Man, however, is free to choose who he will give way to, as the Bible itself explains:

“So whoever thinks he is standing, take care not to fall. No temptation has overtaken you that surpasses human strength. God is faithful: he will not allow you to be tempted beyond your strength, but with the temptation he will give you the means to endure it and to get out of it “ . 1 Corinthians 10:12-13

The problem is that, once “the door was opened”, the devil is able to deceive people with his traps, as happened in the case of Thiago, quoted above. Protection is also indicated in the Word of God , which states: “Put on the armor of God, that you may be able to withstand the wiles of the devil” . Ephesians 6.11

“So it’s very important that we think about it, so that we don’t fall into temptation. And that requires fasting, prayer, sacrifice, obedience…”, explains Bishop Sergio.

Obedience is needed, mainly, so that all attitudes are within what is recommended by God , in order not to fall into the devil’s lies.

Don’t let your life also be destroyed by deceit and pornography. If you need spiritual help against temptations, join our Spiritual Cleansing , which is held every Friday at our local Help Center .

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