7 atitudes que Deus condena

a qualquer custo, buscam a presença do Espírito Santo, causa do orgulho, espirito santo, está sendo injusto, Jesus,

Through the Bible, God guides us on what kind of attitude and behavior He expects from us.

These guidelines are useful for our own good, because it is through them that He teaches us to lead a life wisely and free from bitterness.

So, check out 6 attitudes that God hates and 1 that He abhors . They are described in the book of Proverbs, in chapter 6, from verses 16 to 19:

1) “ Haughty eyes

God is annoyed by proud people. Babylon, for example, had its grand tower destroyed because of pride . To serve God, you need to know how to obey His Word.

2) “Lying tongue

God is annoyed by the lie. When he was among men, the Lord Jesus said: “Let your word be, Yes, yes; no no. What passes from this comes from the evil one.” (Matthew 5.37) Therefore, it is only possible to reach His presence with honesty and sincerity.

3) “Hands that shed blood”

God is annoyed by discord between people. The Lord Jesus said: “You have heard that it was said by them of old, Thou shalt not kill; e: Whoever kills will be subject to judgment. But I say to you that everyone who [without cause] is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment; and whoever utters an insult to his brother will be subject to the judgment of the court; and whoever calls him Fool shall be subject to hellfire.” Matthew 5.21,22

4) “A heart that hatches wicked plans”

God is bored with evil, perverse, and unjust people. There are people who wish others harm, do not feel compassion for others and desire power at any cost . They think they are choosing to do right by acting this way. However, this kind of attitude is a sin, and the consequences are serious.

5) “Feet that are quick to run to evil”

God gets bored with people who take pleasure in practicing sin. There are people who want to do something that displeases the Creator at all times, like, for example, those who want to meet friends to use drugs, or to go to clubs. On the contrary, He is pleased with people who seek the presence of the Holy Spirit .

6) “False witness who utters lies”

God gets bored with people who defame others, because when someone practices this attitude, consequently they are being unfair .

7) “He who sows strife among brothers”

God abhors manipulative people. Many friendships and love relationships have already been destroyed by false and envious words – this also relates to the 4th annoyance of God.

Beware of these 7 bad attitudes. Always be careful to distance yourself from them. If you need help, also join our Spiritual Cleansing , which takes place every Friday at your local Help Center .

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