Mais uma vítima das drogas

consumo de drogas, Drug overdose, mundo do vício, overdose de drogas, Teatro Rainbow, Tratamento dos Vícios,

Drug use causes at least 500,000 deaths a year worldwide. This data was informed recently by the director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), Margaret Chan, during a speech before the Commission on Narcotics of the United Nations (UN).

She even pointed out that the situation is getting worse in many countries where the number of overdoses is increasing considerably. The United States, for example, between 2013 and 2014, saw the number of deaths caused by drug overdose practically double to more than 47,000, according to a report by the International Board of Narcotics Control.

On the 15th of last November, the statistic was corroborated once again. The young American rapper Lil Peep (Gustav Åhr was his real name), 21 years old, died and the suspicion is that he suffered an overdose, although the cause has not yet been officially confirmed.

In his song lyrics and also on social media, the young man spoke openly about his depression and his addictions to cocaine and medication for anxiety. Hours before he died, and before starting a show, he even declared that he was taking prescription drugs, but he felt fine.

Addiction makes no sense

Cases of ordinary people or personalities given over to the world of addiction and losing their lives to drugs are becoming more and more recurring. It doesn’t matter if the addict is a stranger walking down the city streets or a celebrity with all the media spotlight monitoring his every step. Addiction is not a respecter of people based on fame, social, professional or financial status.

An addict usually knows what he is facing, he knows the risks well, but he cannot free himself from this evil.

Addiction Treatment (TDV)

Thousands of addicts and their families who have already sought help in different places, but have not obtained a positive result, are looking for the Treatment of Addictions (TDV) in Brazil and in several countries around the world.

Treatment has been showing results in the lives of those who believe and want to free themselves from this evil. If you no longer accept the suffering of a family member or friend, or still want to break free from addictions, the lectures take place every Sunday at 3 pm at the Rainbow Theater .

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