Exercícios reduzem os sintomas da asma

atividade física, causam grande desconforto, Centro de Ajuda local,

Asthma is a respiratory disease in which the patient suffers bronchospasm, which is the closing of the airways, which causes difficulty in breathing. Powder, dust, mites and even sudden changes in temperature irritate the region and cause great discomfort .

However, a study by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (USP) shows that asthma symptoms decrease by up to 70% when the patient performs weekly aerobic exercises (such as running, cycling, dancing or swimming).

For three months, the scientists tested the reaction of 58 asthmatic patients, divided into two groups: those who exercised for 35 minutes, twice a week, on a treadmill, and a group that did not do any physical activity . The conclusion was that patients who exercised had fewer cases of inflammation and went to the emergency room less.

USP professor and research coordinator, Celso Carvalho, explains that exercise works as an anti-inflammatory and improves the patient’s quality of life. But he also warns that bronchospasm can happen during high-intensity exercises, so medical follow-up before starting an activity is essential to avoid problems.

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