Como ter habitos saudaveis

estilo de vida, o primeiro passo, uma pessoa adulta,

A recent study released by the University of Washington, in the United States, points out that 2.2 billion people have problems controlling their weight. This number represents 30% of the world’s population with a body mass index (BMI) above 25.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a healthy adult person should have an index between 18 and 25. It is estimated that 1.5 million individuals on the planet are overweight (BMI between 25 and 30) and 700 million are obese , with indexes greater than 30, and of these, about 100 million are children.

quantity and quality

The authors of the research believe that the increase in these numbers is linked to the greater supply of food in several countries. For experts, the problem is related to the quality and quantity of what is consumed today. Due to the rush of everyday life, people do not have time to cook and end up providing something quicker to consume. They live making quick meals (fast food), which influences their children’s diet, which leads to obesity among adults and also among children.


Many experts point out that the origin of the problem is also related to the genetic factor, but the issue is also behavioral. People who are concerned about food and who practice physical exercise, even those with obesity-prone genes, can control their weight and their lifestyle .

Time bomb

Doctors also warn of the fact that uncontrolled weight can contribute to the emergence of various diseases, which would be a real time bomb for health. Diabetes, hypertension and heart problems are some examples of conditions that can be caused or aggravated by overweight and poor diet.

For experts, the first step to solving the issue is to recognize the problem and seek help from professionals. Endocrinologists, nutritionists, personal trainers and other accredited professionals can help people who want to change their lives and lose weight in a healthy way.

If you want more tips for living a fulfilling life, join our Restored Health meeting , held every Tuesday at your local Help Center .

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