Cientistas tentam desenvolver vacina contra o crack

crack e cocaína, lutar contra os vícios, Tratamento dos Vícios, um milagre realizado por Deus,

Imagine a vaccine that can fight crack and cocaine addiction . A remedy that prevents chemical dependents from feeling like consuming, once again, these substances that cause so much harm to the user and everyone around him.

That’s what scientists from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) are trying to do. The vaccine would stimulate the production of antibodies that fight against drugs. However, development is still in the animal testing phase. From the point where it is to its release for use by the population, there is a process that can take many years, at best, and even be canceled due to poor results or lack of funds, at worst.

That is: so far, studies point to advances, but it is not possible to predict a time when drug addicts will have access to the vaccine. But there is already a solution to fight addictions .

Addiction already has a cure

“From people’s testimonies, we verified that crack is irreversible, there is no cure, there is no liberation, there is no way for the person to be liberated. Except by the power of God.” Who says it is Bishop Edir Macedo.

According to the bishop, only a miracle performed by God can free a person from this evil. “And that is confirmed. It is confirmed by science itself, by doctors themselves. There is no recovery clinic that recovers a single addict. Why? Because addiction is a spirit. And that spirit takes over, it occupies the center of people’s nervous system and there it controls the person’s whole life.”

If you suffer from an addiction or have a family member with this problem, attend the Addictions Treatment meeting . Don’t wait for the worst to happen.

Date: Every Sunday
Time:   3:00 pm
Location:  Rainbow Theater only

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