Cansado de reclamações da escola sobre o filho, pai toma atitude inesperada

Centro de ajuda, participe da reuniã0 sobre Pais e Filhos, problemas do jovem,

The Texan student Bradley Howard, 17 years old, went through an uncomfortable situation, to say the least, on the 5th of May. That’s because, tired of receiving complaints from teachers, Bradley’s father, also named Bradley Howard, attended classes alongside the teenager.

Bradley, the son, likes to be the center of attention wherever he goes, and, according to his father, that’s what causes the young man the biggest problems , especially in class.

“I like to talk, so my teachers keep emailing my parents about my bad behavior,” he told BuzzFeed .

To end this situation once and for all, the father went to visit his son at school, partly to embarrass him, partly to demonstrate that he was present in the young man’s life and would take the necessary steps to put him on the right path.

Who publicized the case on the internet, making it famous, was the student’s sister, Molli, who published the photo above and a message that her mother had sent her privately: “Dad said that if we received another complaint about his behavior ( Bradley) from his physics teacher, would sit next to him in the classroom. We got a call yesterday, so here’s Dad this morning.”

Are you present?

This father found a way to show his son that he was present in his life. And you, have you been able to demonstrate this to your family?

On his personal blog, speaker Renato Cardoso makes the following calculation:

“Let’s consider how many people typically spend their time each week. We all have 168 hours every 7 days, of which we spend on average:

– 56 hours sleeping

– 40 hours working

– 14 hours eating

– 14 hours using the Internet

– 12 hours doing housework

– 10 hours watching TV

– 8 hours in traffic to and from work

The total, so far, is 154 hours — not counting personal hygiene time, telephone conversations, trips to the bathroom, shopping, church, idleness, games or sports, among other things. You will realize that there is not much time left for almost nothing.

Where does family fit into that equation?”

As Renato explains, one of the biggest victims of the hectic life we ​​live today is the family. “Usually what happens is we try to fit it in between, or during, other activities. That is, partial and divided attention.”

This lack of special attention to the family, however, is harmful. After all, in a healthy family, spending time together and doing family activities is a practice that is valued.

When the family is not a priority for people, problems such as inability to communicate, inappropriate behavior of children and many others begin to appear.

“It is not surprising that the problems of marriage, parents and children, brothers and sisters are being installed in the middle of families. When we least realize it, we are living like strangers at home. There is a lack of sync. One doesn’t know much about the other. The husband is disconnected from the wife. Parents don’t know what’s going on with their children. And the house becomes a hotel”, describes Renato.

So that this does not happen in your home, participate in the Parents and Children meeting that takes place every Thursday at 12:00 pm at the Help Center.

“Make time for your family. It is an investment that will bring a lot of return. Give it a try”, concludes Renato.

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